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Our People

Board of Trustees

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Board of Trustees

Afsaneh Beschloss
Mary Schmidt Campbell
Vishakha N. Desai 
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Vice Chair 
Sam Gill, ex-officio 
Nannerl O. Keohane
Catie Marron
Marie Lynn Miranda
John Talty
David S. Wilcove
William H. Wright II, Chair

Past Board Members

Carter Brown
Marion Oates Charles
Harry B. Demopoulos
James F. Gill
Clive Gillinson
Kathy Halbreich
Anne Hawley
John J. Mack
Angela K. Mwanza
Peter A. Nadosy
William H. Schlesinger
Nicholas Scoppetta
John Wilson
Jide J. Zeitlin
John E. Zuccotti