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Child Well-being

Strengthening & Coordinating Service Systems

Through its grantmaking, the Child Well-being Program aims to strengthen and expand the capacity of social service systems that are collaborative and provide culturally appropriate, evidence-based, and context-specific prevention and treatment programs for parents and children. By strengthening the ability of existing social service systems to better serve those in places contending with sizeable inequities, more children and families can receive the essential supports and resources that help them to pursue full, healthy and happy lives. Services such as these, when well-coordinated, can make a significant impact in responding to the effects of generations of inequities and exposure to trauma, violence, abuse, and neglect to help give families a fairer shot at achieving healthy and happy futures.

The following are examples of organizations and activities that DDCF supports under this strategy:

To view more examples, please explore the What We’ve Funded section of our site.

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